
safelite repair, safelite first place

At a whopping 12 under, the Foth team battled the St. Andrews-like weather conditions and won the Safelite AutoGlass Charity Classic golf outing. Way to go Brandon, Ronnie III, Marc and Ron Jr.

national cosamin® campaign stars surfer bethany hamilton

We’re proud to launch our new campaign for Cosamin Joint Health Supplements starring Soul Surfer Bethany Hamilton and Nutramax Founder Dr. Bob. Look for the inspirational spots – shot in Hawaii – on network and cable TV, digital and social media, and even in movie theaters around Bethany’s new film, Dolphin Tale 2. President and […]

are you ready for some phootball?

It’s Football, Philadelphia-style! Check out our hard-hitting Wendy’s promotion starring Philadelphia linebacker DeMeco Ryans, and announcer Merrill Reese. Congrats to our Wendy’s Philly team for kicking this thing off right, from a big photo shoot and TV spots to in-store signage and a media “blitz” DeMeco himself would be proud of.

boombox-worthy radio

Crank it up and rip the knob off!  We’re loud and proud to say 2 of our radio spots were named Finalists in the 2014 Radio Mercury Awards, the largest competition honoring excellence in creative radio advertising. You can hear both spots now in the Work section at ronfoth.com. But please listen quick – ‘cause […]

caddyshack had gophers, this course has gaffers

When you’re shooting a TV campaign on a golf course, the grips & gaffers gotta be creative getting the gear around. Our ingenious crew rushed to the rescue, moving a giant silk during this week’s shoot at Fallen Oak, the exclusive course for Beau Rivage Resort & Casino.  That is some serious synchronized carting.

skulls are sweet.

Our skulls campaign continues to drive big attendance this summer for the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco. Here’s one of our newest ads, starring a bad-to-the-bone biker and his skull-loving little girl. #CalAcademy #Skulls

meet our new digital diva

Say hi to Claudia, the newest member of our growing digital team. She joins us as a Digital Media Planner/Buyer, bringing infinite terabytes of Internet experience working at digital agencies in Southern California and at Starcom MediaVest in Chicago. This Windy City native likes her pizza deep-dish, her dogs Chicago-style and her online advertising on-the-money.

kiss and tell-y

Katie’s got a couple shiny new friends at the front desk. Proud to say we just received national Telly Awards for our TV campaigns for the Columbus Zoo and MGM Casinos. Looks like they like us as much as we like them.  #TellyAwards