
racing for hope

Congrats to our own Ron Foth Jr. and Mike Foth for impressive top-five finishes in the duathlon portion of the Safelite Challenge last weekend in Las Vegas. The fundraising event, which also included a triathlon and poker run, benefits MaAfrika Tikkun, a charitable organization benefiting children and families in South Africa. Miles of running…biking…and more […]

america’s next tv stars?

They may not look familiar yet, but they could be soon! We held auditions today to find the future stars of our Safelite AutoGlass national TV campaign. Real Safelite technicians came from across the U.S. for their chance to repair, replace…and represent. Nice job guys, hope you had fun.

ohio tourism campaign generates 13:1 roi

Some folks consider “13” to be unlucky – but not for Ohio Tourism! We’re proud to say our 2010 “Too Much Fun for Just One Day” campaign resulted in a $13 to $1 return on investment for Ohio. Yep, every $1 the State invested in tourism generated $13 in tax revenue. Ohio Tourism

safelite wins service award

Congratulations to our friends at Safelite AutoGlass on their national Stevie Award for “Best Use of Technology in Customer Service.” Here’s more good news: They’ll be putting that technology to good use this month when our latest campaign breaks on network and cable TV.

another win with wendy’s

We’re proud to announce we keep growing with Wendy’s. We just pitched and won the Wendy’s Charleston-Huntington Co-op in West Virginia. We’ll be handling media planning & placement, local promotions, web, social media & more. Wendy’s & RFA, what a combo!

safeway street teams named top 10 promotion

First we cleaned communities across the country, and now we’re cleaning up national recognition for it. Supermarket News just named our Safeway “Bright Green Clean Team” one of the Top 10 store-brand promotions for 2010. Our street teamers traveled from coast to coast, promoting Safeway’s Bright Green eco-friendly household cleaning products, giving out samples, and […]

steak ad campaign takes beefy national award

Yee-haw! Our “Freedom by the Plateful” campaign for Ponderosa and Bonanza Steakhouses was just awarded top honors for a Chain Restaurant at the National Cattle Industry Convention. The TV, radio, print, web and in-store effort earned high praise from the beef industry, and sold a heck of a lotta steaks!

chu times 2

Here’s our favorite Director of Photography Ted Chu on our latest shoot. Beside him is the audio guy we hired, Ty Chu. Are they related? They say no. You be the judge.

breakfast of champions

Over 40,000 Penguins hockey fans were warmly greeted with a free cup of Wendy’s coffee when they attended the NHL Winter Classic at Pittsburgh’s Heinz Field. We also helped give coupons good for breakfast deals at their local Wendy’s. How’s that for perks!